DevOps Systems Engineer – Glendale, CA /
Orlando, FL / Seattle, WA
One Year Plus
- Understand how to install and configure operating
systems, specifically with expertise in Windows 2003, 2008, and RHEL.
- Recognized as a subject matter expert on at least one
OS and proficient in multiple operating systems, including OS performance
monitoring, setup, configuration, tuning, and troubleshooting.
- Proficient in web or server technologies: Tomcat,
IIS, Apache (IHS), WAS, WCS, MySQL,
Oracle, MSSQL, etc., including being able to perform basic setup,
configuration, and troubleshooting.
- Recognized as a subject matter expert on at least one
web server and application server technology, including setup,
configuration, performance monitoring, tuning, clustering, and debugging
(e.g. JConsole).
- Expert on HTTP, TCP/IP, SNMP and DNS.
- Able to implement existing base standards for new
systems and/or applications with mentoring for all of the following:
- Site monitoring and instrumentation
- Application monitoring and instrumentation
- System monitoring and instrumentation
- Resiliency and performance
- Able to diagnose simple to complex system problems.
- Perform peer review for new firewall, VIP and SAN
- Able to interpret and build F5 iRules.
Best Regards,
Phone: 678-720-3170 l Fax: 866-431-2320
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